Jenny Reid

Jenny was born in Surrey, England, and has drawn and painted all her life.  She took courses in England, and studied Fine Arts at the University of Natal in South Africa.  After immigrating to Canada in 1979, she studied watercolour at Central Tech, and this has been her medium of choice ever since.  She finds watercolour an exciting and versatile medium, and delights in its eccentricities, but also enjoys working in acrylics, oils and encaustic.  She continues to study with leading Canadian and US artists, and takes regular painting trips around Canada, and overseas. 

Jenny has been exhibiting her work since 1972.  She is an award-winning artist, whose work hangs in collections around the world, including Norway, China and Hong Kong.  Her work is regularly accepted into juried shows.  In 2001 one of her paintings was selected for the East York Foundation permanent collection.  In 2004 she was awarded a silver medal by the Toronto Watercolour Society, and in 2010 won for best still life at Don Valley Art Club.

She is a founding and signature member of the Toronto Watercolour Society, and Past-President of the Don Valley Art Club.  She has taught adult classes for Barnyard Arts at Riverdale Farm, in her studio, Enxeleni, and for the Toronto Board of Education.  Her adult classes continue.